What to See in the Summer Night Sky - Planets, Meteor Showers and DSO

The summer night sky can be a wonderful time for stargazing and despite the light evenings, there's much to be seen at this time of year.

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Summer Night Sky Planets

Mercury will be visible in the evening sky from mid-February to early March and in the morning from late March to early May. Mercury returns to the evening sky between early June and mid-July, then back to the morning sky between early August to mid-August. Look for Mercury again in the evening sky between late September and early November. Mercury will be brightest in the evening sky between February and March.

Venus is always brilliant, shining with a steady, silvery light. Mornings in the eastern sky at dawn from early January through to mid-June. Then, because of its proximity to the sun, it will be invisible all through the summer into the early fall. Venus will return to the evening, in the western sky at dusk from Early October through the end of December.

Mars, The Red Planet is visible in the night sky from January to mid-July, then shifts to the morning sky from mid-Oct to the end of December.

Jupiter is a splendid object visible in the southern sky as soon as darkness falls and does not set until early morning. Using higher magnifications you will see the yellowish flattened disc and the four Galilean satellites. You should be able to follow the movement of these moons from night to night. It will be visible in the mornings from January to May, evenings from May to November, and mornings again from mid-December to the end of December.

Saturn shines like a yellowish-white "star" of moderate brightness. The famous rings are only visible in a telescope. Saturn is visible in the mornings from late January to early July, and then in the evenings from July to December.

Summer Deep Sky Objects

The first stunning summer deep-sky object is the rather large summer Milky Way in Sagittarius, Scutum, Ophiuchus and Aquila. It is a particularly awe-inspiring sight, especially from dark sky sites. To get a good view of it from the UK it is best to travel to a site with a very clear southern horizon.

The Milky Way beckons to a sky watcher in the south of France.
The Milky Way beckons to a sky watcher in the south of France. 

Nestled within the Milky Way in the constellation of Sagittarius, just above the spout of the Teapot asterism, you'll find the Lagoon Nebula (M8). It's a great object to look at with binoculars and even better in a small telescope.

About 7° to the East of the Lagoon Nebula lies the magnificent globular cluster of M22. You shouldn't have too much trouble picking it out using binoculars, but for a real WOW, try observing it with a large telescope to see it sitting against the glittering starfields of the Galaxy.

M8 - The Lagoon Nebula
M8 - The Lagoon Nebula

There are several other striking summer nebulae in this region of the sky. The Eagle Nebula (M16) and M17 are excellent targets for 6 to 8-inch reflectors; located in Serpens and Sagittarius respectively. Not far away in Scutum lies the Wild Duck Cluster, M11.

Summer Meteor Showers

Summer is a quiet time for meteor showers, the only one of note is the Perseids which are active from July 13 to August 26, reaching a strong maximum on August 11th - 13th.

Summer Time Constellations

Summer is an ideal time to observe the following constellations.

Summer Deep Space Objects

  • C6 Cats Eye Nebula - Draco (17h 58.6m +66° 38m)
  • C12 Fireworks Galaxy - Cepheus (20h 34.8m +60° 09m)
  • C15 Blinking Eye Nebula - Cygnus (19h 44.8m +50° 31m)
  • C27 Crescent Nebula - Cygnus (20h 12.0m +38° 21m)
  • C33 East Veil Nebula - Cygnus (20h 56.4m +31° 43m)
  • C34 West Veil Nebula - Cygnus (20h 45.7m +30° 43m)
  • C37 20 Vulpeculae Cluster - Vulpecula (20h 12.0m +26° 29m)
  • C47 - Delphinus (20h 34.2m +07° 24m)
  • C55 Saturn Nebula - Aquarius (21h 04.2m -11° 22m)
  • C57 Barnards Galaxy - Sagittarius (19h 44.9m -14° 48m)
  • M3 - Canes Venatici (13h 42.2m 28° 23m)
  • M4 Crab Globular Cluster - Scorpius (16h 23.6m -26° 32m)
  • M5 Rose Cluster - Serpens (15h 18.6m 02° 05m)
  • M6 The Butterfly Cluster - Scorpius (17h 40.1m -32° 13m)
  • M7 The Ptolemy Cluster - Scorpius (17h 53.9m -34° 49m)
  • M8 The Lagoon Nebula - Sagittarius (18h 03.8m -24° 23m)
  • M9 - Ophiuchus (17h 19.2m -18° 31m)
  • M10 - Ophiuchus (16h 57.1m -04° 06m)
  • M11 The Wild Duck Cluster - Scutum (18h 51.1m -06° 16m)
  • M12 Gumball Globular - Ophiuchus (16h 47.2m -01° 57m)
  • M13 The Hercules Cluster - Hercules (16h 41.7m 36° 28m)
  • M14 - Ophiuchus (17h 37.6m -03° 15m)
  • M15 Great Pegasus Cluster - Pegasus (21h 30.0m 12° 10m)
  • M16 Eagle Nebula - Serpens (18h 18.8m -13° 47m)
  • M17 Omega Nebula - Sagittarius (18h 20.8m -16° 11m)
  • M18 Black Swan Cluster - Sagittarius (18h 19.9m -17° 08m)
  • M19 - Ophiuchus (17h 02.6m -26° 16m)
  • M20 The Trifid Nebula - Sagittarius (18h 02.6m -23° 02m)
  • M21 Webb's Cross - Sagittarius (18h 04.6m -22° 30m)
  • M22 Great Sagittarius Cluster - Sagittarius (18h 36.4m -29° 54m)
  • M23 - Sagittarius (17h 56.8m -19° 01m)
  • M24 The Sagittarius Star Cloud - Sagittarius (18h 16.9m -18° 29m)
  • M25 - Sagittarius (18h 31.6m -19° 15m)
  • M26 - Scutum (18h 45.2m -09° 24m)
  • M28 - Sagittarius (18h 24.5m -24° 52m)
  • M54 - Sagittarius (18h 55.1m -30° 29m)
  • M55 Summer Rose Star - Sagittarius (19h 40.0m -30° 58m)
  • M56 - Lyra (19h 16.6m 30° 11m)
  • M57 The Ring Nebula - Lyra (18h 53.6m 33° 02m)
  • M62 Flickering Globular Cluster - Ophiuchus (17h 01.2m -30° 07m)
  • M69 - Sagittarius (18h 34.4m -32° 21m)
  • M70 - Sagittarius (18h 43.2m -32° 18m)
  • M71 Angelfish Cluster (Arrowhead Cluster) - Sagitta (19h 53.8m 18° 47m)
  • M72 - Aquarius (20h 53.5m -12° 32m)
  • M73 - Aquarius (20h 58.9m -12° 38m)
  • M75 - Sagittarius (20h 06.1m -21° 55m)
  • M80 - Scorpius (16h 17.0m -22° 59m)
  • M92 - Hercules (17h 17.1m 43° 08m)
  • M107 The Crucifix Cluster - Ophiuchus (16h 32.5m -13° 03m)

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